Are Dell laptops too big?

I spent some valuable time this evening researching one of life’s questions: are Dell laptops too big? The answer is yes. Yes they are. I picked 5 random bags I had lying around and tried stuffing my work laptop into them. It fit in roughly 0% of them. Sure, I cherry-picked the bags a bit […]

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Theory: Alternativet Googled “insane Russian shenanigans”

Theory: Danish political party (party as in chugging beers not as in political organization) Alternativet, couldn’t be bothered making their own politics, and instead just Googled “insane Russian shenanigans.” Proof 1: local currency; Russian potato-backed madness-money. Alternativets crazy-currency. Proof 2: short working-week; Russian 4-day working week. Alternativets bad-science backed 30-hours working week (which is backed […]

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