What’s Wrong with Service Desks these Days

It’s not a question, it’s a statement: I’ll describe exactly what’s wrong with them and my solution, nay, the solution to the problems.  This is not some thinly veiled racist protectionistic “the problem is really outsourcing” manifesto, but rather a description of what is wrong with most pieces of software for running service desks. Over the past […]

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A Modern CI/CD Pipeline – Part 3: Development Street and DTAP

People are very into continuous integration/continuous delivery because they mistake continuous for smooth.  I guess there’s a reason calculus jokes are not a big thing on the internet.  I already wrote about a CI/CD pipeline I’ve developed using Gitlab, Maven, Fabric8 and Spring Boot.  This post expands on that pipeline to instead use the fancy new […]

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Automatic Deployment of Spring Boot 2.0 Applications to Kubernetes using Maven, Fabric8 and GitLab CI

If that title doesn't give you like 2 or 3 lines in bullshit bingo, nothing except a meeting with a Scrum coach can help you there.  It's accurate, though.  It's a thing that should be extremely simple, yet either my Google-Fu is too weak or nobody else on the entirety of the internet and by […]

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