Cleaned out my closet because, well… Sometimes, I don’t know if I’m losing weight or losing friends 😉 Here’s the casualties of the massacre: Pictured: between 120 and 130 Britney Spears t-shirts size XL at an estimated price of €7000. Some of them I never wore. Not pictured, roughly 40 other t-shirts and several paris […]
Category: Uncategorized
Here’s a fun experiment. Well, it’s fun to me. Which of the below is the more random in your opinion? MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2012. […]
Then and Now

Let’s spend a lot of energy not focusing on the fact that I now own garments from Hot Topic. “Uuuh, look at me, I’m an artist! I make Instagrams of inanimate objects that actually mean something in my little E/N EMO world…” Also, to be honest, the depicted clothes currently fit me about as well […]

I decided to do a bit of redecoration. I basically wanted a new display for VIM and FCP, so on an impulse after a long lunch, I got and installed this guy: Unfortunately, this does not leave enough space to the right for my self, which then had to go to my autograph-corner: This left […]
Lunch @ Boreas

Went for a quick bite at Boreas. It was my first time at a two-star restaurant, so my expectations were high. They have this special once a month on Saturdays, where you get a 4 course lunch including wine for just €90. First, amuses; the middle one which had white chocolate, wasabi, and caviar was […]
Sourdough Bread with Oatmeal and Sunflower Seeds
Lately, I’ve been into baking breads. This is to a large part prompted by the poor standard of Dutch bread. Also, I felt like it. Here’s the recipe I go by these days. It’s based on this recipe, but most of the ingredients have been changed and I’ve translated the measures from moon-units into something […]
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