Who doesn’t remember and love the glorious career Melanie Crisholm had after the wonderful Spice Girls days? Northern Star and Reason still shine as some of the best non-Britney albums ever. The less popular This Time is also a beauty. Now, Sporty is back with another wonderful single, Thinking About It: Edit: This new EP […]
Tag: Music
Back to the 90s
Following up on a super-fun Friday in Valkenswaard to see Guus Meeuwis, Karan, Edwin and I decided to warm up for the 80s/90s party in the evening at the Effenaar with another visit to Valkenswaard for a 90s party. At first, the place was a bit dead: After a few beers, things started looking better, […]
Guus Meeuwis @ De Eerste Valkenswaardse Zomerfeesten
Amazing unplanned idea: go to summer festival in rural Valkenswaard. Guus Meeuwis was by far the best-known artist to perform, so Friday seemed a bit like a Guus Meeuwis concert with warm-up (especially since we missed the first band, BZB (Band Zonder Banaan)). Warm-up band, Edwin, and Karan: Guus gets on stage: The crowd. Yes, […]
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Shantel & Bucovina Club Orkestar at the Effenaar in Eindhoven

We won some tickets at #42's international pub quiz, and therefore went to see Shantel & Bucovina Club Orkestar, which basically is a bunch of eastern guys jumping and playing obnoxious instruments to form eastern songs. It was quite fun. I snapped some pictures and a short video during the concert: MichaelTime person of the […]
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New CD from Alizée
Alizée recently released her fourth album (not counting the live album “Alizée En Concert”), named “Une Enfant du Siècle”, which translated more or less is “A Child of the Century”. When I say more or less it’s because it’s named similarly to her own artist name, Alizée, which is the feminine form of “alizé” or […]
Name Scheming
I may no longer be allowed to name tools at work, but I am still the only one able to make new builds of CPN Tools. Hence, I present the upcoming version 2.3.9: […]