Today is a day to remember terrible flight-related incidents. It’s today exactly 15 years ago I left a workshop at Microsoft Research in Cambridge where I had been talking about multi-touch on Windows (it was multi-mouse back then). They had an excellent bartender who would wave me to the front of the line and have […]

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Mean Means

I am for whatever reasons computing some averages.  Should be simple enough, right?  The average of 4 and 6 is (4 + 6) / 2 = 5, right?  Yes, but no.  TD;DR: computers are dumb! Any sensible person would implement the computation in a C/Java style language like this: [java] int avg1(final int a, final […]

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Minor Improvements

It’s been a while since I last wrote about the Model-based Testing Workbench.  That’s not for lack of developments, but because I bit over what turned out to be much more complex and useful than I originally anticipated.  That’s not the topic of this post, though, in this post I’ll outline a bunch of minor […]

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An Answer to the Backup Question?

I’ve been posting a lot about backup.  Well, not a lot a lot, but pretty much every year or so the past half decade or so, I have solicited the wisdom of the internet brain trust as I was searching for a backup solution. My backup needs are a bit atypical; they are not unique, […]

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