A Tale of Two Britney Concerts

In an epic tale of Dickensque proportions, I’ll here outlay my experiences of two Britney concerts… Ok, in the remainder, I’ll try being less smug… 😉 Yesterday, I went to Britney’s concert in Ahoy, Rotterdam.  In many ways, that concert perfectly complemented the concert in Herning nine days prior. In Herning the backstage experience was king. […]

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Britney Spears Concert in Herning

As you may know, Britney gave a concert in Herning early last week.  Before I continue on to the concert tonight in Rotterdam, I felt I had to put my pictures online. I also have pictures of my meet & greet with Britney, my backstage tour (though only a few), and a video of the […]

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New Britney Loot

Just received another box of Britney loot.  This was a big one (and I recently received another shipment and got some on-tour merchandise as well), so I have enough Britney merchandise for at least the rest of this week. First off, a ((Four.)) beach sets, comprising an orange Femme Fatale towel and a drinking bottle: […]

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Britney’s Finale in Herning

Britney's finales are always spectacular, the one on the Femme Fatale tour is no exception.  Fireworks and confetti, as prescribed, Britney's two most popular dance hits, and a wild crowd! It was simply awesome and a great ending to a great concert and day. (Please don't sue me.) MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel […]

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