
If you notice an uptick in upload of videos from me, that's because I've decided to rehost all the videos I've previously uploaded to YouTube and host them myself. The reason is that some douchebag posted a video in the Japanese suicide forest, so YouTube decided that everybody but the idiot should suffer.  Concretely, that […]

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Youtube Channels I Like

Here’s something a bit different: a bunch of Youtube channels I like. I don’t really watch TV; haven’t really in 15 years.  The format bores me and tends to put me to sleep.  Lately, Youtube has improved to the point where there’s genuinely good channels that consistently put out content worth watching.  Here’s a bunch […]

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Brave New World

It’s finally happening: paid version of YouTube. First, they had the ad-free free-as-beer version. Boring right? Then, the ad-supported free-as-beer version and now the ad-free paid version. I project that within 2 years, we’ll see the best YouTube of all: an ad-supported paid version. With nothing but cat-videos and Swedish teenagers screaming rape at computer […]

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This is the fun part of biking to work. Doesn’t last long and this stretch sucks on the way home, so I took a video because that lasts longer. Also, I sometimes get amazed by the amount and corniness of the stock sounds built into Final Cut. http://youtu.be/mZAV0-k718k MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel […]

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…and Sunday Comes Afterwards…

Rebecca Black just released a new single.  I find it positively hilarious and a quite decent song (I’ve had it repeating all day). If the name Rebecca Black doesn’t ring a bell, maybe these pictures will help (yup, they’re all autographed 🙂 ): If not, surely you’ve heard her biggest hit ((Yes, she’s released other […]

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