The Joy of Backup

A couple days ago, I discovered that my hard disk was failing.  I decided that the best COA was to do nothing about it except posting on my blog.  The reason is that I’ve been using Time Capsule and Time Machine for hourly backups for very long (since the beginning of September 2009, where I […]

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Somebody really, really wanted me to receive this advertising pamphlet I drunkenly signed up for while visiting Scotland in general and the Ardbeg distillery in particular (a virtual internet-hug to the first who guesses the number of mills they happen to have at Ardbeg). See, the funny thing is in the address.  My real-life address is […]

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WTF is wrong with NRGi (my electricity provider).  Did they just get a truckload of electronical transactions with a best before data in a week?  Why, og why, would anybody even consider making a DKK 0,00 transaction?  Who approved the system that thinks this is a good idea? The positive and negative transactions sort of […]

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Britney Wallpapers

I tried out BumpTop (but decided to scrap it again due to it being a featureless, unstable mess on the Mac).  Previously, I’ve used Wallpaper Clock on my background, but now I decided to try something new.  I therefore went searching for nice Britney wallpapers.  Unfortunately, most available wallpapers either use extremely high contrast ore […]

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