This is the fun part of biking to work. Doesn’t last long and this stretch sucks on the way home, so I took a video because that lasts longer. Also, I sometimes get amazed by the amount and corniness of the stock sounds built into Final Cut. MichaelTime person of the year 2006, Nobel […]
Category: Uncategorized
How to Make the iPhone not Suck for Cyclists

So, I bike to work almost every day. That’s roughly 38 km in each direction, or if you’re into American moon units roughly 24 miles. My job offers me a car, I can carpool or use public transport, but choose to bike because I like the exercise and time to reflect even though it means […]
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Appreciated in His Own Time

Oh hey, look what I got. Guess it only shows that my long tirade on reviewing was right 🙂 (you should totally click that link and read it if you have any interest in scientific reviewing) Despite the typo probably having you think I’m the best at looking at pictures in awkward formats, it’s really […]
Restaurant Week @ Avant-Garde

Second attempt at Restaurant Week, both the second Michelin star restaurant this week and the second time at Avant-Garde van Groeninge. I went with the lovely Julinka, Manon and Aditi, and Twan. Last time the food was mostly ok, but the service was a delightful mixture of rude and condescending, with a perfect ending of […]
Carbon Footprint of Biking

So, here’s an interesting experiment. As I start writing this post, I have no idea what the conclusion is going to be. See, the thing is, I recently started a new job, and like any citizen of the Netherlands I bike there. The difference is it is roughly 40 km from my home, so on […]
More Britney

I had accumulated a couple posters and decided to hang them up. In total, I added 10 posters and one calendar, for an improvement of 111%, more than doubling the number of Britney posters in my two rooms. My bedroom (the one on the left is not new): Bedroom from another angle (the Femme Fatale […]