Kniver det med forståelsen…

For omkring halvandet år siden, var der en del knivstikkerier i diverse danske byer. Det fik folk op af stolene; der var bombastiske avisartikler med lækre overskrifter i store bogstaver samt dejlige blodige billeder, så en døende branche kunne få kunstigt åndedræt og sælge nogle aviser, der appelerede til den laveste fællesnævner.

Nu bliver folk så faktisk dømt efter loven. Alle må selvfølgelig være tilfredse med det. Bortset fra, nu er alle de, der før var imod knive i nattelivet, pludselig er en slags for. … Desuden udlægger aviserne loven som om, der er en obligatorisk minimumsstraf på 7 dage i fængsel. Meget få er faktisk klar over, det ikke er sandt. Lad os starte med selve loven: …

Selv er jeg imod loven. Ikke så meget på grund af dens indhold, som ikke siger mig en skid, da jeg ikke bruger knive, og da slet ikke i nattelivet. Mere på grund af, den indskrænker den personlige frihed, men det er jo det, politikere er bedst til. […]

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While shopping for the Friday bar, we stumbled upon this abonimation. The text reads “Principe! Chosen with care. Root crop chips Mix. Parsnips, beetroots, and potatoes.” The abomination is produced in southern Sweden.

Let me tell you a small story that hopefully can give you and idea of how truly despicable the taste of the beetroot chips is. Imagine you go to the doctor because you feel nauseous. You think it’s just a cold, but to be really sure you don’t have the Mexican Pest (aka. the pig flu), you decide to get checked up. When the doctor comes to tell you the result of your test, you jokingly ask if you have the Mexican Flu… […]

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Is Knowledge About Cell Phones Essential to the Economy…?

An interesting story is going around the world: was the fiscal crisis caused by Warren Buffet’s inability to use his cell-phone? Buffet was at a social engagement in the weekend up to the downfall of Lehman Brothers. Barclays Capital’s Bob Diamond tried to get a hold of him in order to be able to take […]

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Wait, huh…?

This morning, we could read in the papers that Helle Thorning, the threat to decency and second in command of the red faction in Denmark (next only to foreman Villy), was happy that the red-green chamber of horrors had won the election in Norway.  This evening, we can then read that they didn’t.  Actually the […]

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Getting One’s Just Deserts…

The largest party in Denmark proposed to increase the fines for taking part in illegal demonstrations. Normally, I’m not for the way the climate debate progresses, but at least this is a positive outcome.  The proposal, dubbed “lømmelpakken” (the lout bill) basically has three parts: Hefty increase in the fines, e.g., from DKK 600 to […]

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